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I have been around transformative works fandom since the mid-2000s, and spent most of that time lurking around the edges. I took up podficcing in summer 2021. You might also find me reccing fic. I do occasionally write fic, but so far have never published any of it.

I am caeciliusinhorto across fandom; you can find me under that name on AO3, tumblr, and dreamwidth.

Permission statements

I am pro-repodding. If you would like to podfic a work which I have previously recorded a podfic of, don't let that dissuade you, and don't feel that you need to ask permission from me.

I am happy for you to sample or remix any of my podfics for another fannish project – though I can't speak for the original authors whose works I performed, so you will probably want to check in with them!

If I ever publish any writing here or on AO3, I am happy for you to translate, podfic, remix, write sequels, or do whatever other fannish thing strikes your fancy with it. I also give blanket permission to use my AO3 comments as part of fanworks.

If you do use any of my work, I would appreciate you letting me know, either with a comment on AO3 or through tumblr/dreamwidth.